Tripadvisor – Who Controls It?
George Sanders wrote a note before he died – strangely enough from a hotel – which reads as follows:
“Dear World
I have lived too long. To extend my life would be boring.
I’m leaving you with your conflicts, rubbish and manure.”(fertilizing s..t?)
Internet is something created by man, which it still doesn’t understand, above all the extent of this experiment, the biggest – with complete anarchy – being Tripadvisor, which is shielded by this anarchy to run a business which provides its clients and those who are not clients, with information on hotels, restaurants, etc.
A person’s access to the internet can turn everything upside down with total impunity with comments which are helpful or not on an establishment, particularly hotels,. The internet is used to criticise although there can also be positive opinions but one should bear in mind, as its CEO Stephen Kaufer says, that only 10% of its clients or people who have used the page, write a comment. Gentlemen, 10% of the millions who visit or use the system with pseudonyms do so without the establishment being able to know who has written it. On top of all this Tripadvisor brings us to our knees to face criticism, which sometimes, but only sometimes, allows us make improvements but in the majority of cases have no have no rhyme or reason.
Tripadvisor is now going to have to face the Italian tourism authorities for bad practice. It is not the first, nor will it be the last as they were already condemned in the United States some time ago.
The biggest surprise for me is that Tour Operators now use the evaluations on pages such as this, to force hotels to reduce their prices.
What do companies do when faced with these circumstances and abuse? – “keep their head down”. Some even say that the barometers on this page are similar to what they have in their hotels.
Bearing in mind the words at the beginning of this piece, the industry prefers to put up with the conflicts being generated by these pages on the internet, as well as the rubbish, except for rare occasions, and the manure (fertilized s…t) that is left by these comments which are never removed from these pages and continue to smell as badly as these companies on the internet.

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